06 August 2023
Human Trafficking, according to dhs.gov, “involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” Whereas this is true, I believe it leaves out other forms of human trafficking that may not involve sex. The website, uscis.gov labels it as a form of modern-day slavery and does not limit the definition to only the sex industry. I have spent some time mulling over the information I gathered while in Bangkok concerning the plague of human trafficking. I have realized that human trafficking or as I have come to refer to it, the modern slave trade, is a multi-layered topic. I have also come to realize that this like many other “hot topics” during political aspirations tends to fall away when the shock factor wears off. For the people this truly impacts it does not go away. We have all seen or heard the horrendous accounts of men and women who were stolen to work in the sex industry or factories of Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. In most instances, poor, eager to work, people enter into a verbal contract and find a different reality once they arrive. These people usually have few if any resources to escape once they leave their homes and are doomed to a life of servitude unless an outside entity intervenes. I hope to use my research to assist organizations in identifying people who need external intervention and returning them to their families and loved ones.